8-Step Action Plan to Eliminate Gender Ideology

The Paradox Institute presents a detailed action plan to enshrine the definition of sex, uphold the rights of women and girls, and restore biological reality to medicine, education, and parenting.

1 - Repeal legal sex change

The first and most foundational to dismantling all of gender ideology’s institutional and legal holdings is to repeal identity-based legal sex change. With this, a legal definition of sex will be established and protections for gender identity will be repealed.

a - Definition: There are two sexes – male and female. Barring disorders of sexual development that can add extra factors to sexual determination at birth, this determination is made based on the gamete production of the individual and the bodily structures they developed to produce them.

b - Sex is a concrete, biological, and observable phenomena in nature. Gender identity is a subjective belief that is most often linked to mental illness. It has no measurable or quantifiable qualities that can classify it into a protected class. Anyone at anytime can identify as anything. Protected classes are established to defend immutable characteristics that can’t be identified in and out of such as age and sex. Therefore, it is a waste of time and resources to attempt to offer such a nebulous category any explicit legal protections. All legal protections on the basis of gender identity that were included under Title IX must be repealed.

c - Sex is not assigned at birth. It is observed. Under certain circumstances, individuals may require more examination because of a medical condition. These individuals may require a legal sex change as a result of an inaccurate result from birth examination. This is only in the cases of exceedingly rare disorders of sexual development that would require a medical diagnosis in order to obtain a legal sex change that accurately states the sex of the individual.

d - Sex is a part of someone’s physical description. It is no more changeable than someone’s age. It therefore, should not be something that can be falsified on legal documentation. Surgeries and hormones do not change sex. Legal sex change based on appearance and/or gender identity poses many dangers to the public and to the individual. These include, but are not limited to, hiding the identity of male predators among females, which can make it more difficult for law enforcement to locate criminals; making it hazardous for individuals to be treated in a medical emergency if unconscious; and skewing data that is recorded by sex in regard to criminality and medical research.

2 - Establish a ban on gender-affirming care as conversion therapy

With sex protected and gender identity delegitimized, this will weaken their hold over the medical community. This will allow us to begin restoring sanity to institutions where integrity is most important for safeguarding.

a - Currently, many insurance providers have been coerced into paying for gender affirming care. Even government agencies have been roped into covering these barbaric procedures upon threat of legal recourse by those seeking them. Anyone from children to felons nationwide can procure these treatments through some loophole – even having their travel expenses paid for by the state to receive them. This is because the treatments are currently touted as lifesaving by ideologues at every level. A mounting body of evidence, including a 9-million-dollar study by J.O. Kennedy that is being investigated, suggests otherwise. The alleged benefits of these procedures do not outweigh the harms and risks. Similar bans have been suggested for lobotomies and female genital mutilation under similar reasoning.

b - Not only do we have a mounting body of evidence in reference to gender identity, but we also have an established body of evidence about the harms of cross sex hormones and GnRH agonists/antagonists on the bodies of men, women, and children in general. These drugs are powerful and should only be administered if there is a medical need. A subjective belief about one’s identity is no such need, and various studies have already proven that the alleged suicide risk that is often cited by trans rights advocates is false.

c - It has been established historically, that the cohort of people presenting with what is called “gender dysphoria” were often same-sex attracted and grew out of this distress, leaving mostly fetishistic men as the majority of transitioners. However, now we see that this ideology has predated on and drawn in predominantly autistic and abused youth. This not only has become a clear case of conversion therapy, but it is also dangerously negligent, not only refusing to give proper care to autistic and distressed individuals with other comorbidities, but also putting those distressed people (often children) on mind-altering medications. This violates informed consent and medical ethics at every level.

3 - Maintain sex-based protections in sports and spaces

Women and girls are disproportionately affected by males entering and using their single-sex spaces. Rates of sexual assault and rape have risen since males with female IDs have been legally allowed into women’s spaces. In sports, thousands of women have lost opportunities and have been physically harmed because of males competing in the female category. It is time to reinforce the rights to sex-based protections in their sports and spaces.

a - Currently, males across the country can enter a female prison, often with intact male genitalia, putting incarcerated females at risk of rape. Even without their genitals intact, males still pose a serious risk of harm because of their superior strength. The women incarcerated with these men have nowhere to go to escape them, and have been penalized with time added to their sentences for speaking up about suffering or fearing abuse from these men. Not only does the state allow this, but it also pays for the hormones and surgeries that these men request. This is not only absurd, but it is a major safeguarding risk. The males who make these requests cite their own alleged vulnerability in men’s prisons for their need to be transferred to the women’s facilities.

However, not only are these men often violent criminals who pose more of a danger to women than they do to other men, but we do not do this with any other class of vulnerable men. This is because it isn’t done because of their vulnerability. It is done because of their declaration that they are women, which they are not. We, therefore, need to ensure that female detention centers remain female only – no exceptions. Trans identified females who believe they are male still stay in the women’s facilities and typically fear being housed in the men, and this is allowed to happen.

Clearly, there is a double standard here, and ideologues don’t seem to mind or ask for its enforcement in every case. We cannot continue to fail women this way, and this inconsistency and privilege is not the way we legislate fairly. We already have accommodations for vulnerable male populations within our detention facilities.

b - Males at every level of sport from junior recreational league to higher competitive levels can compete with females in almost every state. We have a mountain of evidence proving that sex differences matter at every age in sport. Males, even before puberty, have a competitive edge over females in every category. Women and girls deserve to have fair competition.

This is one of the many foundational reasons behind the establishment of Title IX, and behind the creation of women’s sports and spaces to begin with. Allowing men to compete against women is not only unfair and demoralizing but also dangerous. It can lead to females suffering severe injuries in contact sports, and opens them up to sexual violations in locker rooms. Testimonies from swimmers like Riley Gaines reinforce this. Female sports must remain for females only. They were never meant to be “inclusive.” Sports, by their nature, are exclusive events. There are no circumstances where the integrity of a sex-segregated sport should be compromised.

c - Simply by identifying as something other than their sex, a man can walk into a female space such as a change room or restroom. Even in states like Florida, where there is a ban, it can still happen without issue so long as they are using the facilities of a private business, and not a government owned facility. We experienced this in Florida when Admiral Rachel Levine used the women’s bathroom at the Orlando Convention Center during a conference. There was nothing the women inside could do, despite all being deeply uncomfortable with a delusional man using our facilities. As such, many women have felt the resurgence of the “urinary leash” – a term that was coined by feminists before female bathrooms had been established that described the short distances we were limited to without our own facilities to use safely. The integrity of these spaces ensures that women and girls can change, take care of sanitary needs, and relieve themselves with less risk of encountering sexual violence from a male.

While the argument can be made that it is up to the business to decide whether or not males can enter a space designated for females based on their identity, the fact is, it isn’t. Because of current protections on gender identity, businesses are forced to comply with men who want to enter a female space. They face antidiscrimination lawsuits, closures, threats from activists, and revocation of certain grants if they do not comply with allowances for males to enter these spaces.

Even if there is no force of law threatening them, these businesses also face harassment and abuse from activists because they believe it is a right for men to violate female spaces. These spaces must be protected. Women need to know they’re safe to report men in these spaces. In addition, both they and the businesses in question need the support and protection of the law when they are violated. This, of course, does not apply to young children going into the restroom with their mothers and severely disabled men who rely on female caregivers. Otherwise, female spaces need to remain explicitly for females. Women and girls deserve to be able to safely use these without being forced to accept a man where they are undressing.

d - Indoctrination from kindergarten to universities is taking place nationwide. It is so integral to our educational institutions, even fields like medicine and mathematics have components of gender identity being taught in them. This must be undone.

4 - Protect children from indoctrination in K-12 schools

Our children are being indoctrinated by their teachers and their curriculum in radical gender theory. We must remove these policies from schools.

a - We have seen the videos enough times and from enough sources to know that books intended to confuse, distress, and indoctrinate children into gender ideology are made available and recommended to children as early as preschool. These books range in topics from women identifying as men getting pregnant (without stating that they’re only able to do so because they’re women) to children performing sex acts on themselves and/or each other. They are touted as “guides” to “help children be more tolerant” and are constant recipients of praise and laurels from ideological academics. They are also often brought into schools without a parent’s knowledge.

Parents need to be able to trust that the institutions in which they entrust their children’s education will protect them from such confusion and predatory grooming practices. State schools, therefore, should inform parents in full of the contents of their libraries at their request. State schools should also not make material available which has explicit sexual acts to minors. They should also not have materials that present explicit medical misinformation such as “men” getting pregnant to children, as they clearly are unable to understand the mechanics behind such a statement.

It is also presented as fact as opposed to fiction like, for example, a book about dragons would be.

b - DEI, Restorative Justice, Queer Theory, and Community Circle policies should be removed from all state schools. These policies have introduced racist ideas and policies, undermine a child’s family structure, challenge parental rights, and allow violent students to remain enrolled with the recipients of their attacks. It often goes so far as to discipline the victims if they take issue with the bullies still being enrolled with them.

This is, under no uncertain terms, psychological and physical abuse of students by the state through the schools. These all need to be rolled back to ensure that 1) children are not asked to feel guilty for their immutable traits like skin color or sex, 2) parents can trust these state institutions with the safety and education of their children, and 3) children can grow into productive members of society, able to follow laws and control their behavior.

5 - Restore the barrier between student and teacher and empower parents

We must remove the ability for teachers to keep secrets about a child’s gender distress from parents and empower parents to restore their own authority.

a - Often times, the books and policies that are harming children in our schools come at the behest of ideological teachers who go so far as to decorate their classrooms with Queer Theory propaganda. These teachers have espoused beliefs antithetical to American values, have argued with students about the reality of biological sex, have shared details with students about their personal sex lives, and have compelled and coerced students as early as kindergarten into using custom pronouns and keeping secrets from parents. Much of this is possible because of anti bullying and inclusivity policies that allow these subjects to be exposed to children without parental consent or notification. These policies need to be removed to restore the barrier between teacher and student and to empower parents. Any policy which exposes a child to materials that depict sexual activity must be removed from state schools, with the potential exception of high school sexual education that requires parental consent.

6 - Create policies to help those harmed by gender affirming care

Unfortunately, this ideology has continued long enough that children have been trafficked, minors grew out of their delusion after having already been harmed, and young adults learned too late that they had harmed their bodies. Those people need a place to seek justice for what the ideological professionals took from them.

a - Detransitioners must be able to sue the providers who coerced them into the irreparable harm that they suffered under their care and guidance. The statute of limitations should be extended and the providers must not be allowed to practice so negligently and endanger people again.

b - The providers, both psychological and medical, usually have treated a vast amount of patients seeking gender affirming care. At this point, the evidence against gender affirming care has been available for some time. There is no excuse for these providers to have continued to coerce patients into a so-called treatment plan that would make them lifelong medical patients with little to no informed consent, with such a high regret rate. They cannot be trusted to continue to care for patients and risk more lives.

c - All providers should have to complete “continued learning” on alternatives to gender affirming care and the harms it has on the bodies and minds of their patients. This will educate practitioners on proper therapeutic methods, as well as greatly reduce the amount of patients that will be harmed in the future by ideological practitioners.

d - A program should be developed to help those who have been harmed medically by this ideology so that they may reestablish themselves in society. Many detransitioners were transitioned as minors and lost valuable time and development as a result. Often times, their trauma adds another barrier to their integration into society. Thanks to the previous administration, their harm was partially contributed to by the government’s support of the ideology that groomed and harmed them. This needs to be undone and corrected. Resources in terms of job placement, counseling from therapists who are not gender affirming, and medical coverage for their reconstruction and injuries incurred during the gender affirmation process are critical.

e - A medical protocol and diagnostic coding system needs to be established to ensure that detransitioners get the consistent and comprehensive care they need. They also need to be able to undo any legal sex changes they may have sought during transition. However, extra measures may not need to be taken to help with this, considering the previous item seeking to undo and delegitimize legal sex changes obtained on the basis of gender identity.

7 - Declare gender affirming care a defunct and harmful practice

The use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery to fulfill someone’s false belief about themselves is not a form of medical treatment and should not be considered medical treatment under the law. In the UK, gender affirming care can still be sought out by minors and their parents under the guise of experimental research.

a - Gender affirming care needs to be declared a defunct and harmful practice. It is not, therefore, suited for “experimental” status. Listing it as such puts it at the same level as actual lifesaving treatments and therapies for diseases such as cancer. It cannot be allowed to continue and harm any more vulnerable children and adults with the full power of the medical industry.

b - Other such barbaric practices such as lobotomies and female genital mutilation have been banned at various levels around the world. The precedent exists to do this with gender affirming procedures and there is a plethora of evidence to support the decision to do so.

8 - Stop seizing children from parents who do not “affirm”

Currently, there are states like California that allow for the trafficking of minors within their borders for the sake of gender identity. Parents have had their children taken by the state, teachers have coerced children into having a gender identity at school, and child protective services waste resources removing and trafficking children across the country instead of expending them on helping children out of situations of actual child neglect and abuse. This puts more children at risk while leaving children in need of help in dire situations. Government agencies can no longer be party to this.

a - No government agency will continue to view the lack of affirming a gender identity as an act of abuse or neglect. It is not an act of harm to not affirm a false and damaging belief these children have about their biological sex. The state will no longer waste resources on investigating these cases and seizing children from homes where they are taken care of simply because a parent disagrees with them about their gender identity.

b - Currently, California sides with gender affirming parents in cases of custody, citing the non affirming parent as abusive. This often results with the affirming parent trafficking the child without the consent of the non affirming parents to a state in which gender affirming procedures are allowed to be done on minors. No parent should be allowed to circumvent the consent of the other to subject the child to these barbaric procedures and life-altering medications.

c - The state of California has said that they will not return children trafficked into their state for the purposes of gender affirmation. This is extremely vague and dangerous. No one can know for certain if any of those children are really there for the purposes of gender or not. The state has no way of verifying this. It only serves to help child traffickers, not children or families. No state should have the power to keep a child from their loving parents, and no state should empower child traffickers to seek safe harbor within their borders with kidnapped children. This is state-assisted trafficking and kidnapping. They must be mandated to return children to their families, as well as assist other state agencies in locating trafficked children. Once a child is trafficked across state lines, it becomes a federal matter, and California has officially stated it will not cooperate. This compels federal action as it is no longer complying with federal laws.

Last updated: February 7, 2025

Written by: Cynthia Breheny

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Cynthia Breheny

Cynthia is a digital artist, animator, and author. Her firsthand experience with gender dysphoria and her search for alternative pathways of treatment gives her unique perspectives on the sex and gender conversation.


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