Our articles provide educational material on the biology of sex differences. They are heavily cited with scientific literature from evolutionary and developmental biology.
We also provide detailed, evidence-based commentary on the most controversial topics in sex and gender.
Harms of Cross-Sex Hormones: A Brief Review
Many claim that cross-sex hormone use is mostly harmless, yet a review of the scientific literature on shows a stark reality.
The Case of CAIS: Understanding the Complexity of Sex Reversal
Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome is a complex developmental disorder and its details are often misunderstood. The biological phenomenon of sex reversal provides insight.
It’s the Genes, Not the Chromosomes
It’s not the chromosomes themselves that determine your sex. It’s the genes inside them.
Prison Segregation by Sex, Not Subjectivity
The solution to sex segregation in prison is simple. It’s not about the chromosomes, and it’s not about your identity. It just requires the understanding of how a person’s sex impacts their biology.
Biology of Sex Definitions
A list of definition cards for various terms in the biology of sex.
Defining vs Determining Sex
Many often conflate two concepts in biology: how sex is defined versus how sex is determined. Here’s why the difference is important.
Sex Development Charts
A series of flow charts showing the steps of sex development for typical males and females and a variety of DSDs.
Karyotypes Are Not Sexes
Activists continue to conflate karyotype (one’s collection of chromosomes) with sex (one’s reproductive role). Here’s why they are not the same.