The Self Cloud

Cynthia Breheny (@PTElephant) and I (@zaelefty) present the Self Cloud for kids, a return to simple yet profound truths about the self in three categories: Expression, Sex, and Interests. In the Self Cloud, there is no mention of concepts like gender or identity. Here, we emphasize things about the self that are real and tangible, simple things that all of us, including kids, can understand:
Expression: You express yourself through things you wear. Colors and clothing and how you do your hair.
Sex: The sex you are, female or male, can’t ever change and that’s alright. There are only two sexes, but lots of differences in shape, features, and height.
Interests: Things that you like and do. Reading, music, art, and exercise, too

© 2021 Cynthia Breheny and Zachary Elliott, All Rights Reserved.
The Self Cloud is a “simple way to teach kids about identity fundamentals,” writes Cynthia. “No complicated labels. Just facts, presented in a friendly, approachable way. No gender mentioned, no arrows pointing to genitals, no ‘less or more male or female’ graphs, or stereotypes like ‘girly’ or ‘boyish.'”
“As a kid with gender dysphoria and sex dysmorphia,” she writes, “those [graphics] would’ve made me feel like I had to choose and put more pressure on me. By boiling identity down to the [basics], it gives kids the room to express themselves freely. This graphic allows for people with DSDs to be incorporated without being othered, without getting overly detailed or singling them out. And likewise for trans and detrans people.”
Because our design rejects ideological labels and emphasizes the free and variable nature of self-expression while anchoring it to real and tangible concepts, we wanted to create templates for kids to fill out their own expression and interests boxes. These templates will allow them to write about and draw the ways they enjoy expressing themselves and the things that hold their interest. In addition, we have plans for an interactive system for crafting your own Self Clouds.
For now, we encourage kids and others to draw their own Self Clouds and freely explore their interests without having to be boxed up and constrained by society’s stereotypes. If you’re on Twitter, post your own Self Cloud with #SelfCloud. Thank you!
Download a full resolution 8.5×11 PDF of the Self Cloud here.
For any questions, comments, or suggestions, or if you’d like to use the Self Cloud at your school, contact Cynthia Breheny on Twitter (@PTElephant).
Example Self Clouds

Example Self Clouds by Cynthia.
Activists claim that trans-identified people have opposite sex brains. But what does the science actually say? The following is an excerpt from the book, Binary.
The Paradox Institute’s official 8-step action plan to eliminate gender ideology.
People often say that "no one is claiming sex is socially constructed!" But this is a foundational premise of gender ideology, and it has a name: strong social constructionism.
Many claim that cross-sex hormone use is mostly harmless, yet a review of the scientific literature on shows a stark reality.
This technical essay explores how sex differences in the brain manifest in unexpected ways, helping readers to approach future literature with a nuanced perspective.
Gender activists claim that people are manipulating scientific evidence to spread “anti-trans myths.” In reality, it is the activists who are manipulating the evidence. We explore how.
Some academics are attempting to eliminate sex as a variable in medicine. Scientific research and medical case studies reveal the reasons why this is dangerous.
The degradation of the Y chromosome follows a long history of sex chromosome turnover. Even if it disappears, males will still be produced. But how? Evolutionary genetics provides us with answers.
The "brain sex hypothesis" posits that gender dysphoria is rooted in having a brain that aligns with a different sex. In part 1 of this new multi-part series, we begin with an analysis of the BSTc.
Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome is a complex developmental disorder and its details are often misunderstood. The biological phenomenon of sex reversal provides insight.
Is a transwoman nursing really about feeding the infant, or is it about feeding the dysphoria? In this detailed piece, Talia analyzes the literature on artificially-induced male breastfeeding to see if it is safe and healthy for the infant.
Most adolescents who identify as trans have many characteristics associated with vulnerability to social contagion. Talia analyzes the history and psychology of social contagion and explores its newest form.
Forrest Valkai is known for debunking young earth creationism, but when it comes to the biology of sex, he uses their same fallacious tactics.
Activists claim a new Florida bill will prevent any student from asking about menstruation. But analyzing the bill itself reveals a different story.
It is a mistake to believe that by taking down one head of gender ideology, you will achieve success. You must strike at the foundation – the heart of the hydra – the fiction upon which the rest depends: legal sex change.
A scientific rebuttal of Nature’s famous piece, “Sex Redefined: The Idea of Two Sexes Is Overly Simplistic.”
While gender activists push young kids who exhibit gender non-conformance into medicalization, they fail to realize they are reinforcing the most backwards views of gender imaginable.
Gender activists often claim that genocide is being committed against the trans community via “anti-trans laws.” An analysis of the evidence shows an ugly truth, but not in the way one would expect.
It’s not the chromosomes themselves that determine your sex. It’s the genes inside them.
The solution to sex segregation in prison is simple. It’s not about the chromosomes, and it’s not about your identity. It just requires the understanding of how a person’s sex impacts their biology.
The important details of a woman’s menstrual cycle and the effects of the medication given to control it are often obfuscated by doctors and hidden from patients. For Cynthia, this had dangerous consequences.
Allow me to introduce Arkansas SB43. Despite what you may have heard, this bill is not going to outlaw trans people or women based on their makeup or how they dress. Here’s why.
A brief covering of my GD and how gender ideologues impact people with gender dysphoria.
Cynthia discusses her experience with pregnancy and gender dysphoria after having mostly resolved it with therapy.
After growing up with gender dysphoria, Cynthia tells the story of her search for alternative therapies without transition.
Many often conflate two concepts in biology: how sex is defined versus how sex is determined. Here’s why the difference is important.
Cynthia Breheny (@PTElephant) and I (@zaelefty) present the Self Cloud for kids, a return to simple yet profound truths about the self in three categories: Expression, Sex, and Interests.
A series of flow charts showing the steps of sex development for typical males and females and a variety of DSDs.

Zach is a science communicator specializing in sex and gender. He’s the author of three books on the biology of sex and the producer of animated videos on sex differences.
Since the first uterine transplant in the US, doctors have been theorizing if a uterus transplant could be possible for a transwoman. Case studies say otherwise.